spooky gloom read my note directed by kristian bennese

Follow the path of Spooky Gloom, manically writing notes filled with his frustrations until he has had enough, setting them ablaze.

Read My Note it says I hate you most of all.

The main focus of this track was mainly around verbal abuse. Not a lot of men talk about these things in their relationship. A sense of pride takes over and men don't tend to open up about these things. So I used all my pent up anger at a certain girl at the time which I myself was a victim of verbal abuse and other altercations.

Spooky Gloom

The process was wanting something angry but straight to the point. "I hate you." This really a song for those who have had someone break their heart wrongfully as well or someone leading them on to break it off in the end when the effort meant nothing. I really think this track and video correlate together to give the grip of what it's really about.

Spooky Gloom

Spooky Gloom is over the abusive relationship he endured and feelings associated with it, so the story of the visual follows his dark escape. The hundreds of notes represent the dark thoughts pent up within his head and the need to purge the memories. Because of the strong energy this record the visualization needed to be theatric and intense while following the imagery of his brand.

Kristian Bennese, Director


Spooky Gloom

Appalachian Mountains


What Are We Gonna Do

